The things I've changed thus far are;
- My diet, I know try to balance may fats, I've drastically reduced my carb and wheat intake and increased the amount green leaf vegetables, veggies, salads, nuts etc.
- I'm keeping my HR as close as possible to my estimated MAF limit of 142bpm, for the body of my run/walks.
- My runs/walks include a warm up and cool down of at least 15min, where I increase my HR slowly to around 140bpm.
- I run barefoot whenever possible, unless it's wet (which seems to be everyday lately).
- I concentrate on good form and breathing while running/walking (I do need to read more on both form and breathing techniques).
During and after running I have noticed very minor to no pain in my feet, calves or legs. This leads me to believe that I'm not running to far or too frequent and my form must be reasonably good. Possibly I'm not running far enough or frequently enough to see early progress? I plan to continue with what I'm doing till I either make progress or regress as per results from my MAF tests. I will conduct another MAF this week, though at a shorter distance than my first due to the length of time it takes me to WALK 8 Km. Feel free to comment on and discuss anything I have written here, I want and need to learn.
I hope to see some good results in the next couple of months as I would like to enter an Adventure Race towards the middle to later part of the year. I have my eye on the...
...I think though I have a long way to go before entering a race such as this and finishing it. We need to have dreams and goals...this is mine!
I hope to see some good results in the next couple of months as I would like to enter an Adventure Race towards the middle to later part of the year. I have my eye on the...
ARA 18Hr Dark Side Championships |