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Monday, March 28, 2011


Some VFF trail action...

Another swimming hole, it's so nice here I wish it were closer still.

Top waterfall, most of this would've been underwater in the recent floods.

Ahh...the serenity....

Look at the toad, he loves it....

My feet, the Carney's TrekSports and XandiePants'ses funny sock things and foot coffins!
Thanks lads had a great run, have to hit this spot again soon.


Crows Nest Falls Trail

Here is a quick look at todays run @ Crows Nest Falls
This trail is only 30 odd minutes from my place
and the only barefoot friendly trail I have found so far.

Happy trails for happy feet

Most of the trail was smooth dirt with a smattering of leaves,
barefoot bliss.

The lads getting busy...

The main falls swimming hole, would've been great in the middle of summer!

I've seen these falls really pumping after good rain...

Overlooking the same creek further down stream...


Parts of the track were a pleasure to run on, so soft under foot.  Was a good run and I felt quite energised after, despite all the high HR rock climbing to take photo's.

There were a few stairs but not enough to train for the Six Foot Track...To be Cont...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Must watch this!!!

OK this is my first look into Doug and his book Body By Science ( and I have to say I'm really impressed. Watch through the start, it gets better, a lot better. This bloke (Doug McGuff) is the master of explanation of information. Don't ask what or why, just watch it! If you're here for any reason from barefoot running to health and fitness you need to watch this. Then tell me what you think...

Found this here; Conditioning Research: It is all about information: "" Cool blog with loads of good reading.